Unveiling Everyday English Slang: Insights into Casual Conversations

1. "Idiom:" "I eat very little."
   - "Meaning:" Consuming a small amount of food.
   - "Basic English:" I eat a small amount.
   - "Informal/Slang:" I'm a light eater.
   - "Sentence:" "Even at buffets, I eat very little; I'm a light eater."

2. "Idiom:" "Do exactly the right thing."
   - "Meaning:" Perform an action precisely or accurately.
   - "Basic English:" Do the correct thing.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Nailed it.
   - "Sentence:" "She always nails it with her advice; it's spot-on every time."

3. "Idiom:" "To gossip."
   - "Meaning:" Engage in casual or idle talk, often about other people.
   - "Basic English:" Talk casually.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Spill the tea.
   - "Sentence:" "When they start to spill the tea, you know it's going to be an interesting conversation."

4. "Idiom:" "I’m tired."
   - "Meaning:" Feeling fatigued or lacking energy.
   - "Basic English:" I'm tired.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Beat.
   - "Sentence:" "After the marathon, I’m beat; my legs are like jelly."

5. "Idiom:" "I’m busy."
   - "Meaning:" Occupied with tasks or activities.
   - "Basic English:" I'm busy.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Swamped.
   - "Sentence:" "Sorry, I can’t talk right now; I'm swamped with this project."

6. "Idiom:" "I don’t know."
   - "Meaning:" Lack of knowledge or information.
   - "Basic English:" I don't know.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Clueless.
   - "Sentence:" "When it comes to quantum physics, I’m clueless; it's all Greek to me."

7. "Idiom:" "Let’s wait and see."
   - "Meaning:" Postponing a decision until further information is available.
   - "Basic English:" Let’s wait.
   - "Informal/Slang:" Let’s play it by ear.
   - "Sentence:" "We're not sure about the weather for the picnic, so let's play it by ear."

8. "Idiom:" "In a difficult situation."
   - "Meaning:" Facing challenges or adversity.
   - "Basic English:" In a tough situation.
   - "Informal/Slang:" In a jam.
   - "Sentence:" "When the car broke down in the middle of nowhere, we were really in a jam."

9. "Idiom:" "He cannot be trusted."
   - "Meaning:" Lack of reliability or credibility in someone.
   - "Basic English:" He is not trustworthy.
   - "Informal/Slang:" He's sketchy.
   - "Sentence:" "Watch out for him; he's sketchy and can't be trusted with anything important."

10. "Idiom:" "I’m so relaxed."
    - "Meaning:" Feeling calm and at ease.
    - "Basic English:" I'm relaxed.
    - "Informal/Slang:" I'm chill.
    - "Sentence:" "Even in stressful situations, she remains as chill as ever."

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