Basic English vs Advanced English Vocabulary


Basic EnglishAdvance English
I don’t believe It.I didn’t buy it.
Mee too, I think so.Ditto.
Unimportant difference.Tomato, Tomahto.
Extremly hungry.I’m famished.
Came to sit front pessenger seat of vehicle.Call shotgun.
A person appears just after being mentioned.Speak of the devil.
Must do something Immediately.Now or Never.
My mistake, my fault.My Bad.
To wish a performer good luck.Break a leg.
To challenge someone to do something risky or bold.I dare you.
A topic is being ignored because it will be akward.Elephant in the room.
1. Idiom: "I don’t believe It."
   Meaning: Expressing skepticism or disbelief.
   Basic English: I don't believe it.
   Advance English: I didn’t buy it.
   Sentence: "When he told me he found a unicorn in his backyard, I didn’t buy it for a second."

2. Idiom: "Mee too, I think so."
   Meaning: Expressing agreement with a previous statement.
   Basic English: I think so too.
   Advance English: Ditto.
   Sentence: "He said the movie was great, and I think so too, ditto."

3. Idiom: "Unimportant difference."
   Meaning: Referring to a trivial or insignificant distinction.
   Basic English: Small difference.
   Advance English: Tomato, Tomahto.
   Sentence: "Whether we use 'tomato' or 'tomahto,' it's just an unimportant difference."

4. Idiom: "Extremely hungry."
   Meaning: Feeling very hungry or famished.
   Basic English: Very hungry.
   Advance English: I’m famished.
   Sentence: "After hiking for hours, I’m famished; I could eat a whole pizza by myself."

5. Idiom: "Came to sit front passenger seat of vehicle."
   Meaning: Claiming the front seat in a vehicle.
   Basic English: I want to sit in the front.
   Advance English: Call shotgun.
   Sentence: "When they announced the road trip, I quickly called shotgun for the best view."

6. Idiom: "A person appears just after being mentioned."
   Meaning: Referring to someone who is talked about and then suddenly arrives.
   Basic English: Speak of the devil.
   Advance English: Speak of the devil.
   Sentence: "We were just talking about him, and speak of the devil, there he is!"

7. Idiom: "Must do something immediately."
   Meaning: Indicating the urgency of completing a task or action.
   Basic English: Now or never.
   Advance English: Now or Never.
   Sentence: "If you want to catch the last train, it's now or never."

8. Idiom: "My mistake, my fault."
   Meaning: Accepting responsibility for an error or wrongdoing.
   Basic English: My mistake.
   Advance English: My Bad.
   Sentence: "I forgot to lock the door; my bad, I'll go back and fix it."

9. Idiom: "To wish a performer good luck."
   Meaning: Offering encouragement or best wishes before a performance.
   Basic English: Good luck.
   Advance English: Break a leg.
   Sentence: "Before stepping on stage, the actors exchanged 'break a leg' for good luck."

10. Idiom: "To challenge someone to do something risky or bold."
    Meaning: Encouraging someone to take a daring action.
    Basic English: I challenge you.
    Advance English: I dare you.
    Sentence: "I dare you to eat that spicy chili pepper; do you accept the challenge?"

11. Idiom: "A topic is being ignored because it will be awkward."
    Meaning: Avoiding a sensitive or uncomfortable subject.
    Basic English: Ignoring the elephant in the room.
    Advance English: Elephant in the room.
    Sentence: "No one wanted to talk about the budget cuts, it was the elephant in the room."

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