Basic English | Fast English |
What do you do? | Whudduhyuh. |
Something. | Sumpthin. |
Come here. | Come-ere. |
Pick them up. | Pic-keh-mup. |
Tell him. | Teh-lim. |
Trying to. | Tryna. |
What you are saying? | Wha-Chore-Saying. |
How did you know? | How dih-jew Know? |
Don’t you live here? | Dontchu live here? |
I don’t want to do it. | I don’t wanna dewit. |
Could you? | Cow-jew? |
Got you | Gotcha |
Bottle. | Bodduhl. |
Computer. | Compydooder. |
Daughter. | Dawdder. |
Eighty. | Ayddy. |
Forty. | Fordy. |
Little. | Lidduhl. |
Can you give me something? | Can you give me sumpthin. |
How is it going? | Azigon? |
Sentimental. | Sennimennal. |
Went out. | Wen-nouh. |
In front of her. | In frunna-ver. |
Internet. | Innernet. |
Inernational. | Innernational. |
Fast English