Basic English vs Idioms Learn With Pari, February 23.

Basic EnglishIdioms.
My friends went mad.My friends went bananas.
 She is very smart.She is a smart cookie.
He is very active.He is full of beans.
He is a very Important.He is a big cheese.
I have more important things to do.I have bigger fish to fry.
To calm down.Pull yourself together.
 To be undecided on something. To be on the fence.
 To get rid of bad feelings.Shake it off.
To do something extra.Go the extra mile.
 To end badly. To go down in flames.
Go to bed.Hit the sack.
Very happy.Over the moon.
Wait a moment.Hold your horses.
The secret is out.The cat’s out of the bag.
Good luck.Break a leg.
Tell a secret.Spill the tea.
Very easy.Piece of cake.
Don’t give up.Hang in there.
In good health.Alive and kicking.
I am not young.I’m not a spring chicken.
I’m calm.I’m cool as a cucumber.
It sounds familiar. It rings a bell.
Something is wrongI smell a rat.
A comfortable situation. Bed of roses.
I like you a lot.I’m so into you.
Keep it a secret.Keep it under wraps.

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