Basic English vs British English Slangs, Learn With Pari, Feb 19.

Basic English British English Slang
It’s been a long time.It’s been donkey’s years.
You are really annoying me.You are taking the biscuit.
Shut up!Put a sock in it!
Would you like a cup of tea?Fancy a cuppa?
I’m so pleased.I’m chuffed to bits.
They are having a tantrum.They are throwing a wobbly.
It’s cold outside.It’s brass monkeys outside.
That’s really cheap.That’s cheap as chips.
See you later.See you in a bit.
Go away.On your bike.
Shut your mouth.Shut your gab.
Talk too much.Big gobby.
I don’t care.I don’t give a monkey’s.
I’m very busy.I’m Knackered.
I got the flu.I came down with flu.
I feel depressed.I get down.
I fell asleep without intending.I dozed off.
Recover from the flu.I get over the flu.
I’m really disappointed.I’m gutted.
I ate too much.I’m stuffed.

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